miércoles, 25 de abril de 2018
Este ciclo de cine luso-galego ten como obxectivo promover o intercambio
cultural entre Galicia e o norte de Portugal. A primeira edición,
centrada fundamentalmente no cine galego e de fronteira, celébrase na
cidade de Braga onde se localiza o Centro de Estudos Galegos, un dos
colaboradores do mesmo e promotores iniciais da iniciativa. Para tal
fin, e coa vontade de estabelecer lazos que conecten ambas realidades,
escollemos tres fíos conductores, interrelacionados entre si, que
remiten a temáticas transversais e, polo tanto, que procuran unha
difusión de amplo espectro da actividade que entronca con diferentes
aspectos que son de plena actualidade e preocupación social: a situación
social das mulleres, as sociedades rurais, o seu empoderamento e a súa
relación co patrimonio.
Propoñemos un ciclo estruturado en tres xornadas nas que se proxecte un
ou varios materiais audiovisuais, seguidos dun debate-coloquio no que se
contará coa participación dos directores ou directoras, o público e
unha figura representativa de algunha das institucións organizadoras. As
institucións implicadas son Universidade do Minho (UMinho), a través da
Vicerrectoría da Cultura e Sociedade e o Centro de Estudos Galegos, o
Consello da Cultura Galega e a Xunta de Galicia, a través da Secretaría
Xeral de Política Lingüística.
miércoles, 7 de marzo de 2018
"Women from the Border" returns to Scotland
On Friday Cinemaattic looks specifically on films about A Raia, the border between Portugal and Galicia. The years of ‘contrabando’ (smuggling) and the close relation between inhabitants north and south of the border.
Never mind the US - Mexico 'Frontera', something exciting is happening in the westernmost corner of Europe. Geopolitical borders can't split a shared way to frame reality. The boundary between Spain and Portugal is supposed to be one of the most – if not the most – fixed and stable borders in the world, with some authors stating that it has a history of almost a thousand years. The fact a geopolitical border says they are different countries, Portuguese and Galicians have a common serene way to understand life.
Mulleres da Raia (Women from the Border) by Diana Gonçalves + Short
MULLERES DA RAIA - Two voyages: in space, along a river that serves as frontier between Portugal and Spain; and in time, through memories delivered on camera by a handful of old women, who fought with determination against the law, poverty, and illiteracy to provide for basic sustenance to their families. A few men add independent testimony to the hard life of those women smugglers: a railway's man and two customs officers.
A programme that aims to look at the Influence of established borders between countries in today's world and the way humans debunk those geographic limits, challenging politics and power.
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